Posts tagged ‘licensing’

November 3, 2009


With butterflies in my stomach, flushed cheeks, and sweaty palms, I am excited to announce that we are officially licensed foster parents!!!

At 8:30 this morning I saw D.CF’s number pop up on my caller ID.  I frantically squeaked out a “Hello?” and was greeted with “Congratulations Mrs. S, I’m calling to let you know that you are a licensed foster parent! You can expect calls for placement to start rolling in any day now!”

If I wasn’t at work with nosey coworkers within earshot I would have squealed like a school girl and kissed the phone.  Somehow I managed to finish the phone call with composure before running to the closest conference room where I could call Andrea while jumping up and down.  And during that call I did kiss the phone : )

When I returned to my desk, I found an email from our SW congratulating us. It was such a sweet email, it really warmed my heart.  That is, until I got to the last line:

“And I wouldn’t be surprised if you were called today (hahaha). “

That made my heart stop.  Holy crap.  Today?!  I have got to learn how to install those car seats ASAP!

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November 2, 2009


On Friday we found a letter in our mail box from CA.FAP.   Remember them? They work with the state as a support agency for fo.ster and ado.ptive parents.  The letter stated that as newly licensed foster parents, we had been paired with a mentor to help us through the first six months of fostering. Her name and number is XXX and her bio is blah blah blah.  

Wha?? Back up the train for a minute… “newly licensed foster parents”? Since when?!

Apparently they know something we don’t, but at this point we’ll take any progress no matter how cryptic.  And now i’m considering going home on my lunch break to check the mail… 🙂

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September 30, 2009

This might actually happen

Just as I was feeling down about it being the last day of the month in which we were promised to be licensed and yet not having a license, or child,  in my home, I received this email…


 I submitted your case for licensure and I’m waiting for the social wo.rk supervisor and program super.visor to give it their final approval.  We expect you both to be fully lic.ensed within the next 2 weeks!!!!  Every thing looks very good at this point.  Unfortunately, our department has been incredibly overwhelmed and we’ve all been very, very busy.  So, give us a couple more weeks and you’ll SOON BE GETTING CALLS FROM US!!!


Our hope for an October placement might actually happen!  Also? How awesome are those exclamation points, bolded and capital letters?  Now you all can understand why I love our new SW – its clear that she actually cares!

It’s a new year, indeed.

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