Posts tagged ‘foster prep’

October 20, 2009

Inching Along

I’ve received word that our file has been approved by 1 of the 2 people who need to approve it.  We are one scribble of a signature away from a license.  But don’t hold your breath…we have no idea when that signature will come.

October 19, 2009

Keeping Busy

::twiddles thumbs::

I apologize for the lack of updates lately, but the truth is, there’s been nothing update-able going on.  We’re still waiting for our license. still.  <grumble> So, I figured I’d share what I’ve been doing to keep myself busy in the mean time.  

Remember that pesky old bird project? I decided to pick it up again because the nursery really does need a few more decor items.  I’ve successfully made three more birds.  They don’t rival the perfection of the birds in that magazine pic (Martha, I am not), but i’m pleased considering the outcome of my first.

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House 228

House 227

note to self: stop.biting.nails

Up next was operation baby clothes.  We’ve been slowly building our clothing collection thanks to irresistable sales and generous friends.  But they were still lying around in random bags and boxes.  So, I spent an afternoon washing all that needed to be washed and sorting them into labeled bins based on sizes.  ::ahhhh::  My once junk pile of a closet is now an organized baby clothes haven.  Added bonus is that I now have a good handle on what sizes we have enough of and what we need more of.  

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There's nothing like an afternoon of folding baby clothes to give your ovaries an ache.

 Finally, I came up with version #1 of this year’s holiday card.  I always send out a few different versions and I’m still holding out hope that the one going to our closest family and friends will include a little cutie.
